Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I really don't know if you can beat this past year for the Smith Family.

Happy times and highlights of 2011

Lived in Seattle
Got pregnant
Moved from Seattle to Tucson
Preston started residency
2 Disneyland trips
3 Family reunions
Quit my job (I think for good)
Started teaching Zumba
Half Marathon
Had a baby

Struggles that we have had in 2011

Lived in Seattle
Got pregnant
Moved from Seattle to Tucson
Preston started residency
2 Disneyland trips
3 Family reunions
Quit my job(I think for good)
Started teaching Zumba
Half Marathon
Had a baby

I realized the hardest things we went through last year were also the best. I have no big resolutions for this year. I have little things like getting to church on time ect. But nothing HUGE. I am just going to take things as they come. I am going to try my best to work hard and be happy while tackling new things that pop up. I am so grateful for 2011! It was a great year. I am also so grateful for Preston. Being able to do and accomplish new things, go through trials and also just to coast at times through life with my best friend is the most amazing gift. Everyday gets better and better. Gosh that means 2012 is going to be off the hook!!!!

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