Sunday, May 15, 2011

Baby Boy Smith 19 weeks

Well, as you most likely already know, Lindsey and I are expecting our first little baby October 5, 2011. This story begins one night when I was at the gym, running on a treadmill. I don't remember why Lindsey decided to stay home that night, but suddenly there she was, standing behind me on the treadmill. She was glowing with excitement, and I instantly knew she must have taken a pregnancy

test without me knowing, and it must have been positive. She said I had to come home immediately because there was something I had to see. She didn't say what, so I thought I would give her the satisfaction of surprising me at home. I went along with the idea that Pearl, our furry fluffy friend, must have either torn apart the house or cooked us some eggs and bacon. When I got home, Lindsey showed me a pregnancy test that was positive. After a few months of morning, afternoon, and evening sickness, Lindsey's feeling a lot better and is really starting too show. Okay, she has been showing since one or two months (which I thought was so cute), but now she is having fun showing off her pregnant tummy and feeling cute instead of fat even though she looked adorable. Anyway, we had our last ultrasound this week to make sure all the baby's anatomy looked good and to see if it was a boy or a girl. Well, it's a BOY!!! And everything looks great on the ultrasound. We're so excited to welcome our little boy into the world. We thought we would share some of the recent shots.

1 comment:

  1. Awww... it looks like you might be having a baby bunny in that top pic. He looks like he's poised, all ready to hop!
